We as humans, need to communicate. Therefore, we invented language to speak with each other and say our opinions on every subject. We wanted to send messages for people far away, so we invented writing language too.
With evolution of internet in the last century, we’ve got to a new level of communication. We could easily send Email across the globe and get the news online in a minute. With programming the first social media on 1960, we found new ways to communicate.
Invitation of social medias made people who are far away from each other closer, but made people who are very close to each other to get far from each other.
Nowadays, people are trying to pretend they are happy and they have such a good life when they post on a social media.it made people to lie on social medias and people believe each other lies.
You may find a friend on social media, but you have no idea if he or she is lying to you or saying the truth. And you don’t need to say the truth anymore; therefore, it probably makes you lie easier.
You can not trust in the news you hear on social media. Because there are a lot of rumors on internet and its hard to find a reliable source for news.
On the other hand, you can keep in touch with your friends easily on social medias and you can easily arrange a reunion. You can talk to your friends on social medias very cheap and easy.